'Life Happens' with Stella Smith

Stella Smith on Life Happens Podcast

'Life Happens' is the podcast that helps you build mental fitness, speaking to inspirational people about life’s ups and downs, how they’ve overcome setbacks and what it means to them to be mentally fit.

Stella Smith has made a name for herself in innovation across the business world, from a series of high-profile positions in trading and investment to founding the wellbeing benefits disruptor Pirkx. With so much energy and positivity, it is no wonder she is as successful as she is and her insights into prioritisation to go after the things you want are incredibly important in today's fast-paced society.

Confessing that she still hasn't got everything figured out, Stella's modesty despite her triumphs, and her admissions to her failures in her personal life, are deeply touching. She understands the importance of actively thinking about your mental health, analysing it and taking the time to destress and think through problems, giving us food for thought in our own mental fitness journeys.

We hope you enjoy the episode. If you do, make sure you share it and subscribe for more great interviews coming soon.


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