The connection between physical health and sleep

Looking after your physical health

It’s really important to stay on top of our sleep during this time to maintain good immune function and good mental health. However, sleep is also affected both by our mental and physical habits.

To improve sleep we should:

Get some exercise once a day: This could be a brisk walk, some yoga, a jog, a home exercise video etc. Doing this in the afternoon will often help tire you out and make it easier to start relaxing and winding down for bed in the evening.

Avoid drinking alcohol: Alcohol is a depressant so makes us feel sleepy at the time, but the process of our bodies removing it from our system afterwards can stop us from falling into deep sleep.

Only drink caffeine before 3:30pm: Caffeine makes us feel awake, so avoid it in the afternoons and evenings.

Not have a big meal too late in the evening: Either have a big lunch and a light dinner or eat your dinner earlier in the evening

Not to go to bed hungry: Have a light snack and a warm (non-caffeinated) drink before bed to ensure you don’t wake up with thirst or hunger


How to wind down and drift off


How to maintain good sleep hygiene