Habits of highly self-aware people 

Possessing self-awareness is being able to have a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, motivation, and emotions. Self-awareness allows you to understand others on a deeper level, and how they might be perceiving you.

Here are 5 habits that highly self-aware people do. These are simple habits that you can start doing today.

Being open to feedback

Life always allows for feedback, no matter what you do or say - someone will have an opinion on how you conducted yourself, and perhaps what you could have done better. Your actions are causing an effect. This feedback doesn’t care how you feel about it, it’s all impartial. Try not to see this as critical, it’s an opportunity to better yourself and collect information about yourself. 

Using your time wisely

Time passes, that is a fact and there isn’t anything we can do about it. But, what we can do is use this time that passes in a wise and inquisitive way. Use this time to bring you closer to your goals and dreams. Self-aware people know that everything to an extent temporary. Situations can change quickly, the person’s who’s ‘one-up’ can soon become ‘one-down’ and visa-versa. Use this time we have to learn new skills and make the most of any moment. You can only do that by making the most of the time you have available to you.

Listen to your strengths and weaknesses

Life is made up of unique personalities that’s why everyone has different likes, dislikes, inclinations, and motivations. Some of these are down to nature, and some are because of our different environments, or nurture. There are things you will excel in, and things you find challenging. There will also be areas that you are just ‘ok’ at, and that is fine. Self-aware play up to their strengths. They know exactly where they are weak and where exactly they 

To understand this further, ask yourself… “Am I really strong in this area or do I need help and guidance?” This question is important, but due to ego some avoid asking it. 

Being clear not confusing

Self-aware people are always asking the question, “what is important here?” in almost every situation. Petty squabbles that won’t contribute to their long-term goals and overall grand strategy get dropped to focus on the bigger picture. The goal informs the strategy. 

Conducting a “Life Audit” every year

This goes hand in hand with the previous habit. Self-aware people tend to reflect fairly regularly, this could be even on a daily basis using a journal, or a voice recorder. 

Most importantly, most self-aware people hold a major life audit at least yearly to measure where they are in comparison with where they want to be in their mind.

Ask yourself questions like… 

  • How happy are you right now? What are you pleased, and not so pleased about? 

  • How is your health? What’s your weight, your blood pressure? How much sleep are you getting?

  • Do you have close relationships with other people? If not, why?

  • What does your financial situation look like?Are you getting out of or into more debt?

If you’ve been working a lot, a great goal would be saving up for a well-earned trip away in the summer. Write it down, visualise it, and find ways to make it happen. It’s very important to check-in with yourself as much as you can. 

The 87% App provides you a platform to self-select and explore your own goals and dreams. The App also provides a feature where you can ‘remeasure’ yourself, because just like the seasons change we do too - take a look today and see how much you’ve changed in the past few months. 


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